
Leaders in post-mastectomy physical therapy,
regional anesthesia, breast and nerve reconstruction

Breast Relief℠ is a resource initiated by Jonathan Bank, MD and provided by NYBRA Plastic Surgery, a group highly experienced in microsurgery and breast reconstruction, including treatment of operative chronic breast pain
Jonathan Bank, MD, FACS
Randall S. Feingold, MD, FACS
Ron Israeli, MD, FACS
Peter Korn, MD, FACS
David Light, MD, FACS

Diana Tjaden, PT, DPT

Diana developed Full Circle Breast Cancer Recovery Program, which has its home in Garden City, New York. This comprehensive, individualized program is geared towards every phase of breast cancer recovery. Among its goals are educating women with breast cancer on ways to regain control over their lives, and providing them the tools they need to return to their prior level of function and reach new fitness goals.

David Rosenblum, MD

Dr. Rosenblum is a leader in the fields of interventional pain medicine and regional anesthesiology. His particular interests include regional anesthesia and ultrasound-guided nerve blocks. He has developed numerous protocols and policies to ensure the safe proliferation of anesthesia and pain management. He currently represents the Maimonides department of anesthesia in the development of programs for ensuring adequate pain control of obstetric, orthopedic, and cancer.